NDAS24 will be organised by Dr Teodora Gliga and Dr Louise Ewing at University of East Anglia


on 28th of June 2024

You can find all information on the NDAS2024 website: https://psyblocks.wixsite.com/mysite

Call for Abstracts

ABSTRACT SUBMISSION NOW OPEN on the 1st of February 2024: http://tinyurl.com/3fkctbbz



We are excited to announce that the early career researcher keynote will be given by Cathy Manning, University of Reading and the established researcher keynote will be given by Joni Homes, University of East Anglia.





Registration will open in early April 2024 and close on 31st May 2024 or when maximum delegates are reached. Registration costs will be £55 for non-students and £45 for students.



NDAS24 workshop

27th of June 2024

Breaking down barriers in neurodevelopmental EEG research: Innovation in methods and analysis


The workshop will include a mixture of talks and practicals on EEG data acquisition, development oriented pre-processing pipelines and advanced analysis (time-frequencies, multi-variate approaches, connectivity).


Guest tutorials:

Ines Mares

William James Center for Research, Portugal



Paul Matusz

University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland https://groupforrealworldneuroscience.wordpress.com/


For more information please contact Teodora Gliga or Louise Ewing at psy.ndas24@uea.ac.uk

This event is sponsored by Brain Products, Sage Journals, and the Waterloo Foundation.